
Remembering Rob Moll
Our friend and coworker had joyfully prepared for his tragic death.
Jean Vanier Made Us All More Human
The late founder of L’Arche showed the church how disability, vulnerability, and weakness bring us closer to one another and closer to Jesus.
Alister McGrath: Michael Green Taught Me the Importance of Evangelism
A tribute to the theologian who taught a generation how to evangelize through the local church.
Aretha Franklin’s One Faith
As her father once said, Aretha was still a gospel singer.
The Myth of the Holy Hierarchy
Remembering UK scientist R. J. “Sam” Berry (1934–2018), a real scientist with real faith.
An Intentional Intimacy
Billy Graham kept the focus on God at all times. How did he do it?
How ‘Oh Happy Day’ Gave Gospel a New Beat
A tribute to the legendary composer, singer, and pianist Edwin Hawkins.
Who Evangelicals Lost in 2017
Remembering Nabeel Qureshi, R. C. Sproul, Peter Berger, Haddon Robinson, and others.
God’s Man, for God’s Work: A Tribute to R. C. Sproul (1939-2017)
Ligonier Ministries founder was a category 5 hurricane of declaration, persuasion, and instruction.
Ravi Zacharias Remembers His Young Protégé, Nabeel Qureshi
The late apologist's mentor and “uncle” says his lightning-bright legacy will live on.
Because God Is: A Tribute to Robert W. Jenson (1930-2017)
Over 5 years of weekly dinners, ‘America’s Theologian’ became a mentor and a dear friend.
A Humble Political Influencer Gets His Crowns in Heaven
At least, that’s what I expect for the late Michael Cromartie.
Why Christian Scholars Loved Peter Berger
His sympathetic treatment of faith made him a rock star among Christ-following academics.
16 Scholars, Authors, and Celebs Evangelicals Lost in 2016
Remembering Thomas Oden, Peter Wagner, Cliff Barrows, Gordon Lewis, and others.
In Memory: The Man Who Brought Harmony to Billy Graham’s Ministry
Music director Cliff Barrows served for decades with a peaceful spirit and joyful song.
The DJ Making the Angels Rap
Christian hip-hop remembers the legacy of the late DJ Official.
Jerry B. Jenkins: The Tim LaHaye I Knew
I saw the softer side of a man famous for strong opinions.
Remembering Prince: A Pop Music Priest in a Secular World
He seemed to defy mortal boundaries, but in fact, he showed us the glory of simply being made in God's image.
The Humble Coach Behind Celebrity Christianity
Remembering the tenacity and ironies of Fellowship of Christian Athletes founder Don McClanen.
Lyle Schaller, Preeminent Church Consultant, Dies at 91
No one may have advised more churches in the 20th century. Mine was one.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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