Politics+Current Affairs

Q&A: What Obama's Election Means for the Segregated Church
Michael O. Emerson on why black and white evangelicals can't believe the other voted as they did.
Architect of Religious Right Dies
Paul Weyrich, who co-founded the Moral Majority with Jerry Falwell in 1979, died this morning.
What Cizik's Resignation Means for Creation Care
While some celebrate, others lament advocate's departure from National Association of Evangelicals.
Another Guv Bites the Dust
Who shall save us from these corrupt politicians?
Colson's Redemption
Prison Fellowship founder says he doesn't want a pardon, but the Presidential Citizen Medal means a lot.
Interview: NAE President Leith Anderson on Richard Cizik's Resignation
'If he did not appropriately represent NAE, then he has lost credibility as a spokesperson.'
Richard Cizik Resigns from the National Association of Evangelicals
Longtime lobbyist and media spokesman recently said 'I'm shifting' on gay unions.
Looking for a 'Serious' Conversation
The Newsweek religious case for gay marriage is mostly an attempt to marginalize the opposition.
Up for Debate
Publicly arguing for traditional marriage is worth it even if I don't change many minds.
Violence Smothers Jos in Smoke
Peace eludes us.
Needed: More 'Miracles'
My grandchild barely survived birth. Worldwide, too many newborns do not.
A Latter-day Alliance
Evangelicals, once uncomfortable with Romney, unite with Mormons on gay marriage ban.
Report Suggests CIA Covered Up Role in Missionary Death
An attack that killed a missionary and her daughter can be traced to a reckless CIA-sponsored drug interception program.
World's Worst Persecutor
Will U.S. diplomatic shift and Graham visit help Christians?
Surprise! You're a Muslim!
Brief conversions can be a family affair for generations.
Catholic Bishops Warn Obama Against Expanded Abortion Rights
Freedom of Choice Act would coerce Americans and limit freedoms, they warn.
Ten Commandments Displays Head Back to Supreme Court
Can a display be government speech without the government actually endorsing the message?
Catholic Bishops Debate Pro-Life Statement 'With a Punch'
Some say earlier statement on politics has been misused.
Soul Tremors
With approval from China's government, Robert Yeung brings faith-based counseling to those shaken by the May earthquake.
U.S. Christian Leaders Protest Anti-Christian Violence in India
Open letter to George W. Bush urges diplomatic action.

Top Story July 21, 2024

Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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