Politics+Current Affairs

Changing of the Guard
What happens to the Religious Right?
Who's Obama Praying With?
Also: Without Walls hits barrier, Billy Graham turns 90, and Dawkins leaves Oxford.
Raising Hunger Awareness
Programs nationwide that Christians use to raise hunger awareness in their congregations and schools.
Urban Orphans Learn to Farm
At the Lazarus Project, the list of prayer requests is long, but food comes first.
Hunger Isn’t History
The world produces more food than ever. So why do nearly a billion people still not have enough to eat?
Joel Hunter Prays with Obama
Evangelical pastor believes the new president-elect will have a listening ear.
Aliens and Citizens
In the body of Christ, we learn how to be both.
Election Honeymoon
Will evangelicals learn to work with an Obama administration?
All Eyes on California
The presidential contest there is predictable, but the state's marriage proposition is closely contested.
What to Watch for on Election Night
Scholars and Christian leaders look beyond the red and blue map.
Buy Local
What does ecclesiology have to do with the election?
Election News Quiz: We Know You're Sick of It
But have you really been paying attention? Find out if you really know the latest religious turns in the 2008 campaign.
Ballot Buster
Some Christians think voting is wasted effort.
Servant Evangelism
How Luis Palau, thousands of volunteers, and a gay mayor are trying to transform Portland.
Q+A: Ross Douthat
Where evangelicals fit in the future of the Republican Party.
When Cowardice Meets Passion
Why I admire but sometimes don't follow single-issue activists.
A Variety of Evangelical Politics
A recent spate of books suggests we are more politically diverse than ever — and maybe that's the way it's supposed to be.
Misunderstanding Sarah
Media reaction to Gov. Palin shows ignorance of evangelicalism.
Billy Graham on Watergate
The evangelist speaks about his relationship with Nixon and the implications of the Watergate scandal.
Concerns of the Evangelist
Billy Graham discusses hunger, racism, peace, revival, and evangelism.

Top Story July 21, 2024

Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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