Politics+Current Affairs

A More Civilized Christian Right
Why the conservative movement is a model of democratic values.
What's in a Name?
Christians in Southeast Asia debate their right to refer to God as Allah.
Seminaries in Peril
Government evaluation threatens training of Swedish pastors.
Is The Gay Marriage Debate Over?
What the battle for traditional marriage means for Americans—and evangelicals.
Friend or Foe?
Recent technological advances may hurt the pro-life movement.
We Need Health-Care Reform
And the real question is who gets to decide who gets attention.
Christian Groups Eye Hate Crimes Bill
Leaders appear divided over whether the law would hinder their right to address homosexuality.
Let It Snow
Ruling on pollution of sacred mountain may weaken religious freedom.
Honduran Hiatus
Political crisis disrupts short-term missions season, prompts introspection by church leaders.
Not One Sparrow
We can be 'speciesists' and show compassion for animals.
Back to Cuba
Christianity Today puts a spotlight on a hidden story.
More Freedom But Not Free
Cuba still ranks low on religious liberty.
Cuba for Christ—Ahora!
The Communist island's improbable revival is 15 years old and growing stronger.
An Open Letter to Donte Stallworth
Concerning the overall public indignation about Michael Vick's possible NFL reinstatement.
Voiceless Women
The Stoning Of Soraya M. exposes a dark side of Islam.
The NAE Chooses Government Affairs Director
Veteran World Relief worker to replace Richard Cizik.
Radicals Rejected
Orissa Christians breathe easier after election defeat of Hindu extremists.
Reconcilable Differences
Fifteen years after genocide, Rwanda is showing signs of healing.
A City of Angels for the Homeless
How one church in the nation's homeless capital is responding.
Family Ties
Facing lawsuits and an FBI probe, Angel Food's story bears warnings about family-run mega-ministries.

Top Story July 21, 2024

Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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