
30 and Single? It's Your Own Fault
There are more unmarried people in our congregations than ever, and some say that's just sinful.
Incorrigibly Bookish
Michael Dirda on reading and life.
Guys and Dads
Elephants in puberty are like men without fathers, says Donald Miller.
Finding a Family
A man needs a dad. I found mine when I moved in with a friend.
The Not-So-Evil Empire
A report on The Historical Society's conference earlier this month.
Jesus Out of Focus
The Da Vinci Code is raising issues that go to the heart of the Christian faith—and it's starting to confuse us all.
The Lapsed Evangelical Critic
Bart Ehrman's doubt as a student at Moody has turned to agnosticism.
What the Teaching Can Teach Us
Not all extracanonical manuscripts reveal a 'lost Christianity.' The church's earliest discipleship manual—the Didache—is as orthodox and relevant as it gets.
2006 Christianity Today Book Awards
Out of 37 publishers and 240 titles, our judges selected 22 of this year's best books.
Heard Any Good Books Lately?
Audio is the new medium, and Christian publishers are getting the message.
America's Growing Asian Churches
A new book offers ministry insights for their unique challenges.
Revising David and Solomon
Archeological study questions the Bible's take on Israel's united kingdom.
God Is at Work
Economic globalization is an opportunity for missions says Ken Eldred.
Free, but Not Easy
Why grace is so rare among Christians.
When Evangelicals Ruled
Between 1850 and 1900 evangelicals dominated the English speaking world, says David Bebbington.
Unveiling the Truth About Islam
Too many Christian books miss the mark.
The Life of Bryan
Michael Kazin explains why American politics needs another William Jennings Bryan.
Our Prayerful History
This impressive history of prayer in America neglects theology.
Travel Writing from the Afterlife
If the Bible doesn't quench your curiosity on what it's like in heaven and hell, we have two new firsthand accounts.
How the Early Christians Worshipped
What did Christians really believe before the council of Nicaea?

Top Story July 19, 2024

Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Poll: Black Protestants are among the only groups who remain confident in the president’s mental capacities.

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