
The Moral Imagination
Morality and religion from Edmund Burke to Lionel Trilling.
Jesus from East to West
Ravi Zacharias defends Christianity using the narrative of his life.
Official Presbyterian Publisher Issues 9/11 Conspiracy Book
Process theologian David Ray Griffin is among the most prominent proponents of theory that Bush administration, not Al Qaeda, was behind attacks.
Classic Faith for Modern Times: Thomas à Kempis
"What Good Is Knowledge Without Fear of God?"
A Spiritual Health Hazard: White Picket Fences and Two Car Garages
The author of Death by Suburb
Men Are from Mars Hill
Mark Driscoll praises Jesus, blasts mega-churches, and extols Reformed theology.
The Faith of Our Founders
Scholar says diversity of belief did not obliterate consensus on key issues.
Reforming Wayward Reformers
Renewal movements are winning the battle against mainliners, says Thomas Oden.
'Jesus Mean and Wild: The Unexpected Love of an Untamable God'
Apparently 'satanic' can be a synonym for 'relevant'.
Second-half Calling
Former TCW editor asks women to seek purpose after kids leave home.
More than Logic
Debra Rienstra invites readers to a felt and lived Christian faith.
Pro-life Feminists
An anthology of the strange bedfellows who are all pro-woman and pro-life.
Grand Illusions
Too many suburban Christians are in the world—and also of it.
Do It for the Children
Opposing same-sex marriage is actually the enlightened policy.
Friday Night Fish Fry
How medieval dietary needs fueled the discovery of the new world.
Beyond Azusa Street
An eclectic collection of essays looks at the growth of Pentecostalism.
Madam Reverend Secretary
With the publication of The Mighty and the Almighty
Q&A: Madeleine Albright
The former secretary of state for the Clinton administration recently published The Mighty & the Almighty: Reflections on America, God, and World Affairs
Dining Dilemmas
How shall we then eat?
How We Worship
An ambitious new book takes us into the diverse world of Christian worship practices from the early church to today.

Top Story July 19, 2024

Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Poll: Black Protestants are among the only groups who remain confident in the president’s mental capacities.

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