
Echoes and Voices from Beyond
N.T. Wright argues that Christianity better comprehends our deepest human longings.
Sermons of Frederick Buechner
Secrets in the Dark
Estranged Bedfellows
Besides Jesus, what drove Jews and Christians apart from the beginning?
Pluralist Impotence
Robert Wuthnow examines why religion fails to change American society.
What Happened to Religion in Canada?
How our neighbor to the north lost its faith.
Logic Left Behind
Kevin Phillips's new political screed is stranger than fiction—much stranger.
Jeffrey Dahmer's Story of Faith
A prison minister who led the mass-murderer to Jesus tells the story.
Christ's Story
A top-notch scholar drops academic language for a basic retelling of Jesus'
The Ties That Bind
Anne Tyler's new novel centers on two very different families brought together when they both adopt Korean girls.
Live Like You Are Dying
Finding wisdom in wilderness.
Not the Wheel Thing
A history of the Tour de France.
Alchemy in Philadelphia
Revising the history of the "Scientific Revolution."
Word Made Brash
New Scripture adaptations are not your father's comic books.
Darkness Is My Only Companion
Psychotherapy that uses Scripture without ignoring science.
Making Promises
Why to keep your word—and the Word.
Ka-Ching! You're a Parent
The Baby Business
The Jesus of Africa
Contemporary African Christologies are rich and varied.
What (Not All) Women Want
The finicky femininity of 'Captivating' by John and Stasi Eldredge.
Peretti in the House
This collaboration between Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker is a thrilling disappointment.
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Gory
Two historians tell why Christian thought went AWOL during the civil war.

Top Story July 19, 2024

Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Poll: Black Protestants are among the only groups who remain confident in the president’s mental capacities.

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