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Special Issue: Easter in the Everyday
Easter in the Everyday
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About This Issue
Easter in the Everyday is divided into three frames, each representing a different emotional reality along the Easter journey. Through contemplating the humility of our humanness, the anticipation of hope, and the passion of love, we will experience the power of Easter in the everyday.
  • In this Issue
Easter in the Everyday
Prepare your heart for Easter with Christianity Today
Life as a Fading Flower
Ash Wednesday breaks down our illusion of invincibility
A Path Not for the Faint of Heart
Be Still in the Middle of the Battle
With so much at stake, how can we follow the psalmist's instruction?
Eyes on the Prize of Faithful Service
A Power Made Possible Through Sacrifice
Palm Sunday's message of the donkey, the lion, and the lamb
Wasteful Worship
The grace to give when generosity seems absurd
The Fatal Fantasy
How Judas's betrayal reveals the heart of misguided hope
A Meal We Won’t Soon Forget
The hope and anxiety inherent in Jesus' last passover feast
As Bodies Grow Cold
There is no resurrection without death.
The Glory of Weightiness
When life is too much to bear, our need for a savior becomes clear.
The Reflexive Response of Grace
How Jesus reconditions our life even after we fail him.
Were Not Our Hearts Burning Within Us?
God’s mysterious work of consolation and concealment.