Are You Watching the Debates Tonight? Will They Talk About What Matters to You?I don’t think much about tax policy, job creation, teachers unions, national defense, or public health. And I suspect that neither Romney nor Obama spends much time thinking about chores and report cards and rusty minivans. I certainly hope they don’t.

My day as a mom doesn't involve much thought about our government. I think about packing lunches for school, wiping counters, getting our kids dressed in clothes that are somewhat appropriate for the weather outside. I think about how many minutes of television William (age ...

If Moving Almost Killed the Cat...I think the low point came when William spit at me...

... what has it done to the rest of my family?!?

I think I've mentioned that in the past seven weeks we've moved, twice. First into very temporary housing, and then, three weeks ago, into a rental house. We'll be here until February when we move into our permanent home.

Five days ...

Penny's Star DaysPenny and I prayed, I cupped my hands around the gift of trust she'd given me, and I scheduled a meeting with her teachers.

A few weeks ago, I asked Penny if she wanted me to pray for her before she went to sleep. She nodded. I said, "Is there anything you need God's help with?"

She nodded again, and in the dim light of the evening, she began to talk: "I don't line up in school at the right time."

What the Marketing of Prenatal Tests Tells us About the Tests Themselves......the likely effect of tests likeMaterniT21 is to depopulate the Buddy Walks of the future. This isn’t a matter of evil, or prejudice; it’s just economics, and individual decisions adding up to social change.

As many readers of this blog already know, the biotech company Sequenom has developed a new prenatal test designed to identify Down syndrome as early as 8 weeks into a woman's pregnancy. The test is noninvasive and carries no risk for mother or child. George Estreich, author ...

Hooking Up, Feminism, and a Different Solution...Is today's "hookup culture" good for women?

Pornography. Casual sex. Crude jokes about sex. Hooking up with no strings attached.

Hanna Rosin's most recent Atlantic article, "Boys on the Side," describes highly intelligent, career-oriented women engaging in all of these behaviors with a mere shrug of the shoulders. In the ...

Where are the Moms in the White House?Government policy alone will not change the number of mothers in the halls of power. But both parties have an opportunity to couple their rhetoric about moms with policy measures.

The political conventions of 2012 made one thing clear: both parties want to woo the moms of America. As Lisa Belkin pointed out in the midst of the Republican convention, in his convention speech, "Mitt Romney used some version of the word ‘mom' 14 times." Romney's mom-laced ...

Grace, by way of Dunkin DonutsWe are on the edge, and we keep getting pulled back by grace.

We've seen a lot of family lately, and both my sister and my sister-in-law have children just about Marilee's age. Recently, as Marilee barreled down the stairs and refused to sit in a high chair and drank out of an open cup and said, "I want backpack!" and stumbled around with ...

Why I Was Grateful to See My Daughter Run AwayI didn't want to run away from Penny. I wanted to run away from everyone else.

My husband and I found out that our daughter Penny had Down syndrome two hours after she was born, and we shared the same instinct. We wanted to run away. Within minutes, I had the route planned out from the hospital room to my grandparents' summer cottage, three hours north, ...

Soledad O'Brien, Parents Magazine, the Election, and What Education has to do with the American DreamA few months ago, Parents Magazine and CNN hosted a joint luncheon with an array of moms in order to talk about the upcoming election. As a part of my new gig blogging about the election with parents.com, I had a chance to meet some awesome women and participate in a two-hour conversation with Soledad O'Brien as the moderator. The food was really good too.

A few months ago, Parents Magazine and CNN hosted a joint luncheon with an array of moms in order to talk about the upcoming election. As a part of my new gig blogging about the election with parents.com, I had a chance to meet some awesome women and participate in a two-hour ...

What Do You Want to Teach Your Kids About Money? (and what do our Presidential candidates teach them?)What does the election of 2012 teach me, and my children, about economic productivity, hard work, and charitable giving?

Recently, William has become obsessed with money. I think it started when he received twenty dollars for his birthday, which prompted a trip to the toy store where he got to purchase something that he selected. He's been on a quest for more money ever since. He scoured the car ...

What I Learned From Getting Lost in the WoodsA long detour through the woods in our new home has helped me to reconsider my expectations as we head into the school year...

We moved to our new, temporary, home two weeks ago. We will move again next week into a more permanent temporary spot. The final move is slated for February.

That much I knew ahead of time.

What I didn't know was that we were moving to a place without a phone line and where cell ...

Are Kids Sinful?...as the mother of three children, I’ve started to wonder if children are really the best example of the doctrine of original sin...

Before going to seminary and then having children, I worked in youth ministry with teenagers for five years. As such, I sat through countless systematic presentations of the gospel in which someone was assigned "the sin talk." These talks varied from camp to camp and speaker ...

Girl With Down Syndrome in Danger

We moved yesterday, so I don't have much time to write, but I wanted to urge you all to pray.  A young girl who is reported to have Down syndrome has been arrested in Pakistan for allegedly burning pages of the Koran. Here is the email I received from the National Down Syndrome ...

What Does it Mean to Pray in Jesus' Name?What Penny taught me about praying "in Jesus name."

"What in Jesus name mean, Mom?" Penny asked after I had prayed for her the other night.

I more or less say, "In Jesus Name, Amen" to conclude every prayer. And I had a vague memory of asking myself what exactly those words mean a long time ago. But when Penny asked me, I was ...

Why I Love SummerA taste of our very summery summer, in photos.

Earlier this summer, I wrote a post about summer camp. What I didn't mention is that camp came on the heels of Penny being denied Extended School Year services by our local town. She was denied because we only live here in the summer. I scrambled to find a camp that would take ...

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