What I Will Teach My Children About Our PresidentMy kids don't know much about our president, and I'm glad they don't have to.

Yesterday, I tried to talk to my kids about the election.

William, who is four, was setting out a game based on Richard Scarry's Busytown. "So, William, do you know there's an election tomorrow?"

He shook his head.

"Do you know who our President is?"

"Obama," he said, without looking ...

The Candidate All Parents Should Vote For...What it would take to win the vote of all parents in 2016...

William woke up at 4:47 on Sunday morning, even though we kept them up late Saturday night (watching Peter Pan) in an attempt to beat the Daylight Savings beast at its own game. Marilee has been crying in the 5:00 or 5:30 range the past three mornings. Penny has made the transition ...

Halloween and HurricanesIn the past, I have said that Halloween is wasteful. I would still say that it is frivolous. But this year has made me grateful for frivolity, for the safety and comfort that allows families and communities to gather together and dress up and take pictures and giggle and eat candy.

I grew up in a household where every holiday deserved attention. Valentine's Day involved red heart-shaped ornaments with photos of me and my three sisters inside. At Thanksgiving, my mother brought out the stuffed pilgrims she had made by hand and the drawings we had done in ...

Worth Reading: On Halloween, Daily Choices, and Genetic Testing

Lovely post by Micah Boyett on remembering the saints: Jesus in Real Life: Halloween and Death and Celebrating the Saints

And a really thought-provoking and encouraging essay about the way our very small and daily choices make a profound difference in our lives, read Kate Harris' ...

Ann Coulter, the R-word, and John Franklin Stephens' Wise ResponseLast week Ann Coulter called President Obama a retard. John Franklin Stephens, a 30-year old with Down syndrome, responded with grace and truth.

Last week Ann Coulter sent media ablaze with a short tweet in response to the presidential foreign policy debate: "I highly approve of Governor Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard." Her tweet has been favorited and retweeted by both supporters and detractors ...

Preparing to Rest (as a Hurricane approaches)...All of this resting takes work. Or perhaps I should say it takes preparation.

We usually rest on Sundays, well, as much as any family with three young children can rest. We avoid stores (except for yesterday, when, in preparation for Sandy we not only went to the mall to retrieve my computer but also went to Walmart, bought some wine at the liquor store, ...

Bearing Fruit in SeasonI find myself thinking that fallow ground is barren ground, when it may simply be a necessary preparation for abundance.

We went to pick apples again a few days ago. I was struck by the sheer abundance, what seemed like almost a wasteful amount of apples littering the ground and hanging from those gnarled branches. Soon the trees will be bare, dormant. They will enter a season of waiting in which ...

Finding Myself Among 50 "Women to Watch" in Christianity TodaySomehow I made Christianity Today's list of 50 "women to watch."

This month's cover story for Christianity Today profiles 50 evangelical women who "are profoundly shaping the evangelical church and North American society." And somehow, I made the list, along with 49 other women who pretty much all seem far more noteworthy than I do (say, ...

Everything Our Politicians Need To Know They Should Have Learned in KindergartenWhen it comes to civil government and common courtesy, it’s not Obama or Romney who need reminders. The people who need a reminder of putting the common good ahead of self-preservation, a reminder of compromise, a reminder of telling the truth and sharing, are our representatives serving in Congress.

"Use your words."

"You can't always get what you want."

"Take a minute to think about it, and then tell me the truth."

"Remember to share."

"Instead of grabbing, please ask nicely."

I repeat these phrases throughout the day, pretty much every day. I want my children to learn how ...

When Sunday School is For Mommy..."the Sunday School lesson for my children may have been designed by God for me."

It was the third Sunday after our move, and our kids learned about the fruit of the Spirit in church. We talked about it at dinner that night. They were relishing the memory—a smorgasbord of pineapple, orange, kiwi, and strawberries from earlier in the day, topped with whipped ...

Snapshots of the SeasonSnapshots, in words but mostly photos, of life in the Becker family as tears turn, mostly, to smiles.

It's starting to feel like home, with coats hanging near cubbies and routines for the morning (except this morning, when William woke up at 4:52 and Penny followed soon thereafter...) and the drive to school for William and Marilee and the bus pickup for Penny. They are starting ...

What Perfection and Prenatal Testing Have to do with Each Other

Last spring, I had the privilege of sharing some thoughts at the Q Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. I gave a talk about Penny, perfection, and prenatal testing. It's only 9 minutes long, but it summarizes things that I've spoken and written about before, but if you're interested, ...

The Intelligentsia and the R-WordWhy does the New York Times think it's okay to use the r-word?

What comes to mind when you hear the word "retarded"?

I'm going to guess that it strikes many readers of this blog as rude, if not offensive, because so many people within our culture use the word as a joke or a slur. It originated as a medical diagnosis for people with low IQ's ...

A Good and Perfect Gift, One Year Later . . . and the Next Book...the most rewarding part of writing a book is the emails and letters and one-on-one conversations with individuals who have responded

A friend of mine once mentioned the three stages of memoir writing. There's living it, writing it, and then reflecting with other people about it. A Good and Perfect Gift was published a little over a year ago, which probably means it's time to move on. But before I completely ...

How Do You Find a Boy With Autism Who is Lost in the Woods?

A friend passed along an amazing article about the search and rescue of Robert Wood Jr., a young boy with autism, who was lost in a Virginia park for five days last October: Catch Me If You Can. It's an amazing story, but what struck me most of all was that the man who ...

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