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Don't Omit the Obvious
Leading begins with following
Listen to the Shepherd
If you're going to follow God, you have to recognize his voice
Where Are the Women?
How a guest's observation inspired me to develop more women leaders.
The Mars and Venus Church Staff
A field guide to navigating gender sensitivities.
Is Faith Sufficient for Membership?
A case study in leadership discernment
Friday Five
Jesus’ Gift to Us
An Interview with JD Greear
Time to Clean House?
5 steps to unclutter your ministry
What to Say at an Awkward Funeral?
A case study in leadership discernment: How to eulogize one whose spiritual condition is doubtful at best.
Toss the Old Sweater
Ministry, like a closet, can be too full.
4 Streams of Wisdom
Where to look when you need it most.
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