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Praying for Lower Gas Prices
Plus: Are evangelicals moving Left? Pat's latest comments, George Will on arrogant "values voters," P.O.D's biggest hit—and a bunch of Da Vinci Code stuff.
K.A. Paul Gets Attention After Hastert Meeting
Plus: The New York Times and The Boston Globe look at special treatment for religious groups, Amish forgiveness shocks the nation, Billy Graham's grandson preaches his first crusade, and other stories from online sources around the world.
The Real St. Patrick
A look at the famous saint, and his strategic missions.
Fred Caldwell: Call to Unity
This African American pastor made headlines when he offered whites cash to attend his church.
Quotation Marks
Recent remarks Jim Dobson's new organization, Montana's assisted suicide, and other topics.
More Important Than Christmas?
Why pro-life Protestants don't say much about the Annunciation—or the unborn Jesus.
Christian Legal Society Loses in Supreme Court Case
Group must allow leaders who disagree with its statement of faith.
Quotation Marks
Requiem for 'Kumbaya,' plagiarism in seminaries, and other recent remarks in the church and world.
Top Eight Historically Incorrect Christmas Songs
How to be a loudmouth know-it-all at your carol sing.
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