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Our Writers' Favorite Posts from 2011
Some in-house selections from the past year.
The Thin Line between Trafficking and Pornography
Trafficking survivor Jessica Richardson talks about the connection in her own life.
Supreme Court Rules Girl's Strip Search Unconstitutional
Lone female justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg spoke up for the 13-year-old who had to undress before school officials in 2003.
Women's Ordination: A Crack in the Cathedral?
Female bishops outlawed, female priests tacitly allowed at last week's Anglican gathering in Bedford, Texas.
Alicia Cohn
Holy Hip-Hop Grows Up
But I'm still grateful for CCM's golden era.
Honoring David Neff, The Gentleman Scholar
A tribute to Christianity Today's esteemed editor in chief.
A Single Advantage
How Christian women can view singleness as an opportunity, not an obstacle
How Godparenting Brought Me Into the Family of God
A Small Talk guest post by Katelyn Beaty.
Rachel Held Evans Returns to Church
The popular blogger joins the mainline tradition. Can evangelicals wish her well?
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