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The CT Interview: Saeed Abedini Answers Abuse Allegations
The formerly jailed Iranian American pastor talks to CT about his marriage, his imprisonment, and his hopes for revival.
Why I Continue to Call God ‘Father’
I’m sympathetic to the arguments for female pronouns. But the linguistic alternatives leave behind a profound truth.
The Cry of the Oil-Soaked Pelican
How the birds mired in the Gulf oil spill teach us to properly grieve.
Faith Healing: How Local Churches Are Stepping into Health Care's Gaps
The innovative Congregational Health Network in Memphis relies on local congregations to take care of their members.
Lynne Hybels
Christians Urge Obama to Keep Conscience Clause
Today is the last day for arguments supporting medical workers' right to refuse to provide care that violates their conscience.
Top 10 Most Popular Posts, v. 2
What you clicked on the most during the second month of Her.meneutics.
Jennifer Grant
Caryn Rivadeneira
Top 10 Posts of the Last 30 Days
What you read during the month of October.
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