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Helping a Settled Congregation Move Ahead
How can you alert people to the need for change?
Speak to the Rock
Five signs a sermon doesn't take the text seriously.
The Best of Philip Yancey
One of Christianity's most respected writers has contributed much to the Christianity Today Library
Meeting Community Needs Assessment Pack
A mindset of ministry to others is the sign of an outward-focused church.
Preaching on Nehemiah
An overview of the historical background and theology of Nehemiah to help you develop your sermon series and apply it to your hearers.
Preaching on Ecclesiastes
An overview of the historical background and theology of Ecclesiastes to help you develop your sermon series and apply it to your hearers.
The Sermon that Got My Goat (or Vice Versa)
Scapegoat: Who would bear the penalty if this innovative Easter service failed—the prop or the preacher?
Worshiping to Distraction
With all the crazy things that happen in a church service, it's amazing that anyone can actually worship!
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