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Innovations in Starting Small Groups
Mark Howell is the Pastor of Engagement at Canyon Ridge Christian Church in Las Vegas, Nevada
Ask the Experts: Using Alpha to Reach the Spiritually Curious
Craig Springer is the Executive Director of Alpha USA
How to Engage Spiritual Seekers in Small Groups
In evangelism we call people to repent and we trust God to regenerate their hearts as we do that.
Single-Obsession Small Groups
Can an over-emphasis on Bible study actually hurt a group?
Keep It Simple
Three basic patterns that can help your group avoid over-complication.
Crafting a Vision for Community
Here's what Clint Eastwood and Rambo were missing.
Create a Realistic Vision
Take your church's context, culture, and history into account.
The High Control Model
Could high-structured, high-commitment groups be right for your context?
5 Threats to Healthy Small Groups
Is your small group dying at the hand of these common group killers?
Discipling When Your Group Can’t Meet Due to COVID-19
Keeping small groups connected while social distancing
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