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When Ministry Jumps the Shark
Can we recover from goofy, life-altering episodes?
Leader's Insight: How Competent Are You?
Part three of a series, "The Three Legs of Trust."
Can I Trust You? (free sample)
Strengthening the three legs of trust.
More than a "Church-Like Place"
Are you truly being the church or just going through the motions?
How I Found a Support Network
5 ways I formed a group of women leaders around me
Paid Content
When Your Calling Is Challenged
As hardships come, you have 1 of 3 options.
Reverse Mentoring
The new learning curve is from the bottom up
Leader's Insight: Who Really Needs Church?
Coping with the death of ecclesiology.
Leader's Insight: No Simple Church Solutions
Why I'm not jumping on the new bandwagon.
Leader's Insight: Ministry Gone Stale
Do leaders have a shelf life?
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