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Leader's Insight: No Simple Church Solutions

Why I'm not jumping on the new bandwagon.

Several weeks ago, I attended a conference based on the book Simple Church by Eric Geiger and Thom Rainer (Broadman and Holman, 2006). More than 400 ministry leaders from around my state packed the room, diligently taking notes. Their anticipation as the day began was palpable.

Then, last week, I was talking to several other pastors who were extolling the virtues of the Simple Church philosophy. Again, these leaders were passionately enthusiastic about this new book.

And just today, I was having lunch with a friend and fellow ministry leader who asked me excitedly, "Have you read the book Simple Church? It's one of the best books I've ever read. I'm making our pastor read it."

Clearly, the Simple Church concept has struck a nerve.

Indeed, I have read the book, and wrote a favorable review of it for Leadership. I love how it challenges churches that suffer from what the authors call "ministry schizophrenia." Simple Church calls all church leaders to articulate a clear process for spiritual ...

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