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One Faith, One Baptism, One ... Craft Brew?

Using beer to create community.

Martin Luther famously said "I'd rather my people were in the alehouse thinking of church, than in church thinking of the alehouse."

NPR's John Burnett shares the story of a couple modern intersections of beer and church.

"I'm not interested, frankly, in making more church members," says Lutheran pastor Phil Heinze of Kyrie, aka "Church-in-a-Pub." "I'm interested in having people have significant relationships around Jesus. And if it turns out to be craft beer [that does it], fine."

One church in craft-brew capitol Portland, OR opens their doors one Saturday night a month for Beer & Hymns (with a two-beer limit).

It seems like the practice reaches "traditional church refugees." At these places of worship hymns are sung, people are allowed to speak freely, and the gospel is preached. The goal is to not only reach those who attend the church but also the patrons of the pub who drop in for a pint.

Burnett doesn't see the strategies as permanent."No one is suggesting that Beer & Hymns or Church-in-a-Pub—or ...

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