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Friday Five: Amanda Jenkins

The need for transparency and honesty to overcome cultural pressures.

For today's entry in the Friday Five interview series, we catch up with Amanda Jenkins.

Amanda Jenkins is author ofConfessions of a Raging Perfectionist: Learning to be Free. Amanda is also a blogger at Confessions of a Raging Perfectionist.

Today we chat with Amanda about sweat pits, "chasing perfect," and transparency.

What prompted you to write this book now?

God. He'd been convicting me for a number of years. Specifically tapping me on the shoulder about my obsession with beauty, my insecurity, and my unwillingness to let people see the real me. I ignored him for months. I didn't know what NOT pursuing beauty would look like. Then one day I ran into a friend in the parking lot of our children's school, and we chatted for a while. When I got back in my car, I realized I had a giant sweat pit coming through my clothes, obvious to anyone who may have glanced my way that morning. I was horrified and embarrassed, but God's voice cut through in that moment and he said, "You can continue to fight ...

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