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Reaching the Disconnected Male

How to move men on the fringe into active, focused discipleship.

Looking back, Larry Kay says his life was "full of confusion, full of lust and pain, and almost completely void of God."

"It impacted everything—business relations, my marriage, my friends," says the 45-year-old Georgia resident who used to work 60-to-80 hours a week.

"We had been attending church for several years but we were in the balcony, sneaking in and out, not being involved, going there because we felt that church should be part of our children's lives. I was going through a lot of pain. My business was doing well because I had concentrated on it; it was my life. My marriage, however, was suffering drastically."

Larry's wife, Meg, asked him to attend a men's conference their church was sponsoring. The father of two teenagers went, but tentatively. After all, he thought, what good is success in business if the life it provides for is an utter failure?

No man fails on purpose. No man wakes up in the morning and says, "Well, I think I'll see what I can do to ruin my life today." ...

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