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Leader's Insight: Head 'Em Off at the Impasse

With so much suffering in the world, where do we start?

One of the great foilers of good intentions is "overwhelm-paralysis." The engulfing wave of global suffering can immobilize the most ardent leader. Gary Haugen, in Good News About Injustice, writes, "We feel like deer frozen by headlights … Instead of energizing us for action, the overwhelming injustice in our world actually makes us feel numb." All of us, at one time or other, find ourselves here. When we do, it helps to learn from trailblazers who are forging ahead. One guiding light is Dr. Viji Cammauf, founder of Little Flock Children's Homes, an organization aspiring to reach orphans and widows worldwide.

Viji's overwhelm-paralysis hit after watching Bandit Queen. The film depicts the true story of a child-bride who endured savage abuse. For three days, Viji wept in despair. Until finally, she got up and asked herself, "What am I going to do about it?" At the time, she was Minister of Missions at First Covenant Church in Oakland, California. Her position provided a platform ...

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