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Seeing People on the Job

Making a difference through pastoral care in the workplace.

Since people attend church only a few hours a week, I try to invest some of my time with them where they spend much of their time: at work.

In the early years of my ministry, I'd visit farms in the community where I served. It was fairly easy to spend a few minutes with agricultural folk. I'd wait at the end of the turn-row. When the farmer pulled up in the tractor, he'd shut it down for a few minutes' conversation.

Or I might work with the person I'd visit. I might drive the tractor or brand calves. I understood their work better, and they got to see how I operated on their turf, and the latter often prompted good-natured laughter.

There aren't many farmers or ranchers in my congregation now, nor do many pastors minister in agricultural settings. Most people work in shops and office buildings spread over a city. They're harder to see on the job. But that only increases the value of a pastor's visit.

Naturally, I try to be sensitive to the work situation. Sometimes company policy forbids employees ...

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