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Are the Sheep Flourishing?

The focus of leadership should be on the ones being served.

The fine art of leadership is something to be learned over time, and its effectiveness is measured by one's followers. The focus of leadership is on those being served rather than the one leading. Jesus said, "I am the Good Shepherd, and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep," (John 10:14,15).

The concept of shepherding is a fabulous metaphor for Christian leadership. Michael Youssef in his wonderful book The Leadership Style of Jesus, answers the question, "What makes a good shepherd?" from Jesus' perspective:

"For the shepherd, the reward comes in seeing that his sheep are contented, well fed, safe, and flourishing (my emphasis). His energies are spent not just to make a reputation for himself, but rather to supply the sheep with the finest grazing in the lushest pasture, to store winter feed, to find clear water. Good shepherds spare no effort in providing a shelter from the storm. They constantly ...

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