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Am I working too hard?

This quiz will help you evaluate your work habits. Check the answers that most accurately describe your behavior and feelings. Be honest; frank answers will give you the most reliable feedback.

  1. Do you take work home and work late into the night?

    1. often

    2. sometimes

    3. never

  2. Do you get to work early to get a jump on things?

    1. often

    2. sometimes

    3. never

  3. At the beginning of your week are you

    1. anxious to get back to work?

    2. reluctant to start another week of work?

    3. neither anxious nor reluctant?

  4. Would you say that

    1. there are too many inappropriate demands on your time?

    2. the demands on your time are not excessive?

    3. you could undertake many more projects?

  5. Do you have to skip or shorten your lunch breaks?

    1. often

    2. sometimes

    3. never

  6. 6. Do you ever work while you eat lunch?

    1. often

    2. sometimes

    3. never

  7. 7. Do you find that you are harassed by constant, unexpected emergencies?

    1. often

    2. sometimes

    3. never

  8. 8. Do you move, walk, and eat rapidly because you don't want to waste time?

    1. often

    2. sometimes

    3. never

  9. 9. Would you say that you feel

    1. pretty much in control of work problems most of the time?

    2. sometimes in control?

    3. harassed and not in control most of the time?

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