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"The Stock of Available Reality"
A report on Calvin's Festival of Faith & Music
Changing Forever How You Think
Recovering the lost art of Scripture memorization.
The Milosz Year
Longing for "the restoration of all things."
Books of 2010, A-Z
From "America's Nazi Secret" to "Zift."
Favorite Books of 2010
And Books & Culture's Book of the Year
Book Notes
David Ulin's memoirish defense of reading "in a distracted time."
Book Notes
The third installment in the adventures of Chet and Bernie
Book Notes
German imperial ambitions and Islam, a century ago.
Once a Spy
A Note to Our Readers
Adventures in the McCrackenverse
Sex (SEX, SEX), indie rock, and "the evangelical Christian leadership."
Book Notes
The promising debut of a gritty mystery series.
The Ariosto Imbroglio
David Slavitt's new translation of "Orlando Furioso."
Book Notes
The French legacy of 1968, idiosyncratically assessed.
Book Notes
The Cold War's over, but spy fiction flourishes.
This Gorgeous Game
Book Notes
A new novel by the master of historical espionage.
1914 and 1938
Two decisive historical moments, revisited.
Agents of Influence
Festival of Faith & Writing 2010
A report from Calvin College.