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All in the Family
A novel about Eve and her brood.
Books Uncommon and Offbeat
I Heard God Talking to Me, The Final Martyrs, and Paranoia.
Books Uncommon and Offbeat
Evangelical Disenchantment, Jesus and Philosophy, and Rapture for the Geeks.
Orwell the Essayist
A new selection in two volumes.
Books Uncommon and Offbeat
Short reviews by John Wilson.
Still Booking
More titles not to be missed.
Favorite Books of 2008
Supreme Courtship
A prescient satire by novelist Christopher Buckley.
"How do you decide what to review?"
Praying by the Book
Historian Eamon Duffy's latest work sheds light on medieval prayer practices—and may prompt us to think again about our own.
The Yellow Leaves
History, History, and More History
A report on the 2008 conference of The Historical Society.
Franco and Hitler
Bookish Pilgrims Gather at Calvin College
A report on the 2008 Festival of Faith & Writing.
"The Latest Religious and Culture Studies Theory"
Continuing a conversation about Holy Hills in the Ozarks.
Hegemony International
A response to Matthew Avery Sutton.
A Praise Song for Jezebel
Iron & Wine at Wheaton College.
Christians and Politics: Truth Is More Interesting than Fiction
And other good books (including audio books) from 2007.
In Buechnerland
A faith-and-culture center inspired by the work of Frederick Buechner.