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Should We Fight for "Under God"?
The right approach to these two little words may not be obvious.
The Prohibition of Gay Marriage
We can learn from the defeat of American Christian activism's greatest legislative victory.
Would You Like to Super-Size Your Ministry?
Joan Kroc's $1.5 billion bequest to the Salvation Army promises to boost its admirable outreach, but history suggests new challenges and temptations lie ahead.
Why some Jews fear The Passion
Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ gives Christians the chance to disavow a shameful history of anti-Semitism.
One Nation Under Secularism
France's peculiar aversion to public religiosity is rooted in a sordid history of sectarian violence.
Let Us Not Set Asunder
The threat of gay marriage challenges Christians to defend older, better definitions of marriage. But what are those definitions, and how did they develop?
Iraqi Christians' Path of Persecution
Not heresy hunters, nor Islamic purges, nor even Mongol hordes could wipe Christianity from Iraq.
European Christianity's "Failure to Thrive"
Why Christendom, born with an imperial bang, is now fading away in an irrelevant whimper.
Iraq's Christians Caught in the Middle, Again
If the looming war breaks out, 350,000 Iraqi Christians will be caught in a West-East conflict eerily similar to 4th-century events.
Liberia's Troubled Past—And Present
The nation's history explains why the current conflict succumbs to, yet simultaneously transcends, the stereotype of African tribal wars.
The Ancient Rise and Recent Fall of Tithing
Is yet another time-honored Christian practice fading from view?
When Billy Graham Went to New York City
His 1957 crusade proved to be a historic confrontation with segregation, fundamentalism, and mainline theology.
Breaking The Da Vinci Code
So the divine Jesus and infallible Word emerged out of a fourth-century power-play? Get real.
Breaking Down the Faith/Learning Wall
How the history of Christians in higher education has stacked the deck against Robert Sloan's "new Baylor."
‘Hymn for Easter Day’
Charles Wesley's ‘Christ the Lord Is Risen Today’ brings alleluia’s historical significance to modern audiences.
Ignore History at Your Own Peril
UPI religion columnist decries the shallow Christianity of those who neglect the past.
Dostoyevsky’s Disregarded Prophecy
The famous Russian author shows us what’s to fear in a world without God.
Reformation Reoriented
Mark Noll and Carolyn Nystrom evaluate the Catholic/evangelical detente in Is the Reformation Over?
Blessing the Church with its History
Douglas Sweeney argues for an evangelical movement that welcomes diversity and repents of its blind spots.
Campus Crusader for Christ
Bill Bright is a compelling, flawed figure in John Turner's historical analysis of postwar evangelicalism.