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A Criminal Proposal
A white supremacist's rampage in 1999 should not shape law in 2001
Graham Associate T.W. Wilson, 82, Dies
He is in the presence of Jesus, where he longed to be, says evangelist.
Bad Ideas Have Consequences
The Times should have run a correction. Instead, it might change government policy
The Morality Supermarket
Many Americans, even Christians, pick and choose their ideas of right and wrong
No More Excuses
Bush's faith-based initiative should reinvigorate our mission of service
The Maturing of Victimhood
A new exhibit at the Holocaust Museum is a very good sign
Changing Hearts and Laws
Our recommendations for President Bush and the 107th Congress
Ma Bell, Madam
Socially responsive investors question AT&T's trafficking in hardcore smut.
Good Idea, Fallible Filters
Why even free-speechers liked the Children's Internet Protection Act
Bigotry in Canada
An evangelical's faith generated shrill criticism in a nation known for its tolerance.
The Evil of Two Lessers
Neither candidate made courageous choices after the election
Top Ten Religion Stories 2000
Events from the past year that will impact the years to come
From the CEO: Who's Who on the CTI Masthead
Christianity Today 's editors, past and present, pack a theological punch.
The Artist as Prophet
What is Christian art, and what does it look like?
Bitter Pills
What does RU-486 change about abortion?
No Sympathy for the Devil
How should Christians react to all this talk about exorcism?
A Lexicon of Death
In one decision, a British judge undermined two established values of Western Civilization.
The Evil of Two Lessers
Neither candidate made courageous choices after the election.
Honest Ecumenism
The Vatican's recent statement on the nature of the church is a step forward, not backward, for Christian unity.
Scouts in a Jam?
The courts protect rights. The media-savvy win hearts and minds.