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Unintelligent Debate
It's time to cool the rhetoric in the Intelligent Design dispute.
Book 'Em!
The concluding installment of our three-part midyear book roundup.
(Not Just) Summer Reading
Part 2 of our midyear report on outstanding books.
We've Got Books
The first installment of our new midyear book report.
Tending the Garden
Evangelicals and the environment.
Who Will We Be?
'Books & Culture' Corner: Tending the Garden
Evangelicals and the environment.
Intoxicated with Tomatoes
Celebrating Faith in Writing
A dispatch from Calvin College's biennial event.
Celebrating Faith in Writing
A dispatch from Calvin College's biennial event.
Celebrating Faith in Writing
A dispatch from Calvin College's biennial event.
The Books in My Office
Saddleback's Social Capital
The author of Bowling Alone discovers Evangelicals can be trusted at the civic table.
Baptized in Fire
A new book on Martin Luther King, Jr., emphasizes his spiritual transformation.
A Few Coming Attractions from 2004
Plus: What to buy with those gift cards, and some of the books in my to-read stacks.
The Top Ten Books of 2003
Plus: The Worst Book of the Year, more good reading, digital books, and a little Christmas music.
Books at Warp Speed
We continue our annual roundup of noteworthy books.
Books, Books, Books!
We begin our annual roundup.
Dr. Z
PBS creates a Doctor Zhivago for our time—and entirely omits the (unorthodox) Christianity that informs the novel from start to finish.
The Year of the Fish
The 2003 baseball season concludes with a bang—and 2004 is just around the corner.