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Oversight Overstep
The government should not ask whether churches break God's laws.
Our Lord's Virgin Birth
Why it matters that "a real son of a real mother" did not have a human father.
Who Do People Say We Are?
It doesn't hurt to listen to what non-Christians think of us.
How We Fight Poverty
U.N. Millennium Development Goals are good—as far as they go.
The Lost Joy of Sports
Sports is much more important than our culture lets on.
Missions Isn't Safe
Let's not learn the wrong lessons from the South Korean kidnappings.
Dr. Luther's Tribulation
Feelings of God's absence didn't plague only Mother Teresa.
The Fatherless Child
It is a unique cultural moment for the church to act like a family.
Amusing Ourselves on Sunday
Why the church must practice a different kind of comedy.
What It Means to Love Israel
Beware giving the nation too much theological meaning and the Jews too little.
All That's Good in Sports
The NBA is as good a place as any for working out one's salvation.
Statistical Shell Game
The numbers we report are a matter of gospel integrity.
Virtue That Counts
Why justification by faith alone is still our defining doctrine.
Faith Perfected
Recent martyrdoms sadden us but cannot make us despair.
The Gay Shibboleth
Opposition to homosexual behavior may now be a bar to high office.
Sub-biblical Transformation
Organization-speak threatens to blind us to the church's unique glory.
When Tragedy Happens
After a massacre like Virginia Tech's, how we minister makes all the difference.
Winning Isn't Everything
Recent political successes could spell disaster for the church's mission.
One-Size Politics Doesn't Fit All
Evangelical social reform is a many-splendored thing.
Abortion Overreach
Today's Supreme Court decision again shows that the all-or-nothing strategy is not the way to go.