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Two Cheers for Celibacy
People who expect a sudden reversal of the century long clerical requirement show an inadequate understanding of why the Vatican is committed to this policy
Free the Burnhams
"A year after the missionaries' abduction, it's time to bring them home"
Give Us a [Tax] Break
It is the state's business to discourage what hurts the community and encourage what builds it up
"Goodbye, Dolly"
We need nothing less than a total ban on human cloning
A Preventable Tragedy
Evangelicals must not pretend to be immune to sexual sin by clergy or volunteers
Nixon's Ghost
The late President's tapes brought more pain—and a genuine act of repentance.
Enough Bullying
Wayne Pederson's point was on target: evangelicalism risks identification more as a political movement than a theological one.
Why the TNIV Draws Ire
"No translation is perfect, and each must be read with a careful exegetical eye."
The Interfaith Public Square
"Stand up, stand up for Jesus at civic events."
Shortchanging Charities
Americans will surrender their constitutional values if nobody acts to expand Charitable Choice.
On Befriending Presidents
Billy Graham's relationship with Richard Nixon was already a controversy in 1972.
Which Version Should We Use?
What we said when the NIV was first published.
Outpaced by Islam?
The Muslim challenge is growing faster than our Christian outreach
Bad Priorities Can Kill
"In churches where missions is a program, it is the first thing cut in hard times"
A Secularist Jihad
Fundamentalist has become a rhetorical weapon of mass destruction
Free China’s Church
"The Communist country may ease some religious restrictions, but they still want an apolitical church."
Rally Round the Flag
America may not be God's chosen nation, but it does have a mission that churches can support
Blame Game
Seeking mercy is a better response to 9/11 than seeking meaning
Shaking Hands with Thugs
Sometimes setting aside human rights is the way to ensure their ultimate victory.
Dismantling the Salvation Army
In maintaining integrity, Salvationists got the Boy Scout treatment