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Muslims at Home in America
Christians have a part to play in helping Islam adapt to democracy.
One Nation Under God—Sort of
We've got bigger problems than the Pledge of Allegiance.
Back to the Garden
Our task is neither to shield nature from humanity nor to tame all wilderness.
Persecution Is a Holy Word
Exaggerating our problems demeans the sacrifice of overseas believers
Sailing Off into Irrelevance
The Episcopal Church's rejection of orthodoxy is sobering for evangelicals
Jews Against Jesus?
Critics of Gibson's film The Passion distort the truth
Take Back Your Sabbath
"Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers"
God Reigns-Even in Alabama
Let's not make the Commandments into a graven image
"Walking the Old, Old Talk"
The cultural success of evangelicalism is its greatest weakness
The Next Sexual Revolution
"By practicing what it preaches on marriage, the church could transform society"
History Is Not Bunk
We've got to break free of our historical amnesia
Coming Attractions
Gay activism is not just found in liberal churches
Roadblocks and Voting Blocs
Today's evangelicals are committed to peace—not just security—for Israel
Souls on Ice
The costs of in vitro fertilization are moral and spiritual—not just financial
Beyond Virtue and Vice
"Some morals are absolute, but they are not ultimate"
Roadblocks and Voting Blocs
Today's evangelicals are committed to peace—not just security—for Israel
Coming Attractions
Gay activism is not just found in liberal churches
Vanity Watch
We can do better than merely mirror the naïveté of our enemies
The Mother of All Liberties
Full religious freedom for Iraq is not negotiable
Free Speech for Politicians
God-talk in the public square is healthy