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New Alliance Aims to Unite Chinese Churches Divided by Geopolitics
Leader explains why members of the World Evangelical Alliance visited leaders of China’s government-sanctioned Three-Self churches.
El Salvador: sobram prisioneiros e faltam ministérios prisionais
Organizações cristãs enfrentam dificuldades para alcançar prisioneiros em um país onde 1 em cada 56 pessoas está presa.
ERLC Retracts Announcement Firing President Brent Leatherwood
UPDATE: The chair of the board of trustees, Kevin Smith, has resigned.
Homelessness Hits Record High, Straining Rescue Missions
It’s not migrants. Christian shelters are seeing more single moms who can’t shoulder the cost of living.
‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
In a country known for loving Western praise music—Hillsong’s second-biggest market—a grassroots movement is singing new tunes.
Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
International undergraduates were part of many schools’ plans for sustainability. A new government rule changes that.
Denominação presbiteriana dos EUA debate sobre pastores gays celibatários
Por ter pessoas vindas de outras denominações presbiterianas, a Igreja Presbiteriana Evangélica (EPC) sente tensão para chegar a um acordo.
Ізраїльські араби-християни залишаються й несуть служіння під час війни в Газі, яка зачепила також і Галілею
Десятки тисяч людей переселяються від північного кордону з Ліваном, а віруючі намагаються збалансувати свою палестинську та ізраїльську ідентичність, прагнучи миру з усіма.
Израильские арабы-христиане остаются и несут служение во время войны в Газе, которая затронула также Галилею
Десятки тысяч людей переселяются от северной границы с Ливаном, а верующие пытаются сбалансировать свою палестинскую и израильскую идентичность, стремясь к миру со всеми.
In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
Communities surrounding Trump’s rally site feel the shock of the tragic shooting.
Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Poll: Black Protestants are among the only groups who remain confident in the president’s mental capacities.
Las cárceles de El Salvador están más llenas que nunca, pero el ministerio en las prisiones sufre graves limitaciones
Las organizaciones cristianas encuentran dificultades para acercarse a los presos en un país donde 1 de cada 56 personas está en la cárcel.
J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
The Catholic convert brings a fighter persona and outsider’s view to politics.
El Salvador’s Prisons Are Full. Prison Ministries Are Not.
Christian organizations are struggling to reach prisoners in a country where 1 in 56 people is in jail.
‘We Praise You That Trump Is Gonna Be All Right’
Evangelicals respond to the apparent assassination attempt at the former president’s campaign rally in Pennsylvania.
Former UK Evangelical Leader Charged with Sexual Assault
Retired minister Jonathan Fletcher goes to court following major church investigation.
Evangelical Presbyterians Take on Debate Over Celibate Gay Pastors
As it brings in churches from mainline and conservative Presbyterian denominations, the EPC feels the tension in compromise.
Christian Billionaire Found Guilty of Massive Wall Street Fraud
In a case that alluded to the investor’s faith, a federal jury convicted Bill Hwang of market manipulation and defrauding banks.
Republican Party Backs Away from Pro-Life Stance in New Platform
Evangelicals oppose Donald Trump’s shift to leave abortion policy up to the states.
Iranian Christians Question Reformist Credentials of New President
Heart surgeon Masoud Pezeshkian takes the helm of the Islamic Republic, having campaigned for ethnic and religious minorities while pledging to reach out to the West.

Top Story July 27, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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