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المعمول: حلوى الفصح التي يحبها المسلمون والمسيحيون واليهود
يناقش الخبراء أصل المعجنات المحشوة بالتمر أو الجوز، لكن المؤمنين في الشرق الأوسط يحبون طعمها ورمزية الجمعة العظيمة في أشكالها.
Maamoul: The Easter Sweet Loved by Muslims, Christians, and Jews
Experts debate the origin of the date- or nut-filled pastry, but Middle Eastern believers love the taste and the Good Friday symbolism in its shapes.
With Texas’ Deportation Law on Pause, Migrants Turn to the Church
“We’re not being political. We’re just trying to get you what you need.”
Російські євангельські християни протистоять помсті, яка може стати наслідком загибелі понад 130 людей від рук терористів
У той час як Москва та Київ обмінюються інсинуаціями з приводу теракту в концертній залі, відповідальність за який узяла на себе філія ІДІЛ, християнські лідери закликають до співчуття та прощення, а не до звинувачень.
Российские евангельские христиане противостоят мести, которая может стать следствием гибели более 130 человек от рук террористов
В то время как Москва и Киев обмениваются инсинуациями по поводу теракта в концертном зале, ответственность за который взял на себя филиал ИГИЛ, христианские лидеры призывают к состраданию и прощению, а не к обвинениям.
Après l’attentat de Moscou, les évangéliques russes veulent résister à l’esprit de vengeance.
Moscou et Kiev sèment le doute à propos de la tuerie revendiquée par une branche de l’État islamique. Les responsables chrétiens mettent l’accent sur la compassion et le pardon.
Shoes Stay On for Maundy Thursday
Few Protestant traditions continue the footwashing that Jesus did at the Last Supper. Some want a revival of the practice.
Died: Sandra Crouch, Gospel Artist Who Broke with Church to Get Ordained
She won a Grammy for “We Sing Praises,” collaborated with her brother Andraé on “Jesus Is the Answer,” and worked with everyone from Billy Graham to Michael Jackson.
After Terrorists Kill 130, Russian Evangelicals Resist Revenge
As Moscow and Kyiv trade insinuations over concert hall killing claimed by ISIS affiliate, Christian leaders focus on compassion and forgiveness instead of blame.
Anti-Christian Attacks Surge as Hindu Nationalism Grows
Battling accusations of forced conversions, the church faces escalating threats, false arrests, and assaults on their institutions, reports the Evangelical Fellowship of India.
Carême : Les chrétiens britanniques invités à changer de banque
Pour les défenseurs du climat, la finance soulève des questions de justice. Changer de compte en banque peut avoir un impact significatif.
Las iglesias hispanas en Estados Unidos harían más si tuvieran más recursos
Sus pastores son en su mayoría evangélicos, a veces bivocacionales, y están ansiosos por contar con más trabajadores y recursos para servir mejor a sus comunidades.
Who Restricts Religion More, Politicians or the People? Pew Crunched the Global Data.
Annual report grades 198 nations and territories, with 9 in 10 harassing believing communities. China and Nigeria score the worst.
Died: Michael Knott, Christian Alternative Musician Who Helped Launch Tooth & Nail
Knott wrote rock operas, sang with honesty and conviction, called out hypocrites, and bucked the norms of the Christian music industry.
White Evangelicals Want Christian Influence, Not a ‘Christian Nation’
A new study finds white evangelicals are most eager to see their faith reflected more in the government, but very few say they support Christian nationalism.
American Bible Society Will Close Its $60 Million Museum
The Bible museum on Independence Mall in Philadelphia was open less than three years and had attracted fewer visitors than projected.
UK Christians Asked to Give Up Their Banks for Lent
Climate activists say finance is a justice issue and moving accounts can have a significant impact.
New Zealand Christian Bookshop Closures a Sign of the Times
Nearly half of Manna Christian bookstores are shutting down, leaving some without a Christian bookstore in their town and highlighting concerns of misinformation.
Indian State Moves to Criminalize Praying for the Sick
A proposed ban on “magical healing” is the latest government initiative targeting Christian practice and evangelism in Assam.
Er wordt weer gebeden in de eeuwenoude rotskerken van Petra
Ad Deir, ‘het klooster’, is het grootste monument van Petra. Oorspronkelijk waarschijnlijk een tempel voor een Nabatese koning; wanneer het een kerk is geworden, is niet bekend.

Top Story April 16, 2024

Died: Beverly LaHaye, Pastor’s Wife Who Led Religious Right
Died: Beverly LaHaye, Pastor’s Wife Who Led Religious Right
The founder of Concerned Women for America was credited by President Ronald Reagan with “changing the face of American politics.”

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