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Secular Figures Are Giving Faith a Second Look
A surprising number are expressing unmet longings for beauty, truth, and meaning.
The Law Can’t Always ‘Love’ You
Compassionate enforcement has its place. But the state’s role is to bear the sword.
I Stumbled in the Steps of the Good Samaritan
When we picture ourselves as heroes, we often forget our humanity.
Why Prison Ministries Are Growing
Adaptations for COVID-19 are helping Christians reach incarcerated people, with eager cooperation from government officials.
The Black Church Models a Different Conversation About ‘Gender Roles’
How women’s roles have changed in the Black church.
Paul’s View on Death Changed Mine
The Corinthian church needed the reminder of the power of God. So do we.
Viral JesusEpisode 89|7min
The Wisdom of Backward Design
In God’s purpose for your life, sometimes reverse is the best way forward.
Cientos de muertos en explosión en el único hospital cristiano de Gaza
La fatal explosión tuvo lugar en una conocida instalación dirigida por anglicanos (y anteriormente por bautistas del sur) «en medio de uno de los lugares más conflictivos del mundo».
How True Crime Can Create a False Reality
Criminal dramas are becoming more popular today, but at what cost to a Christian’s conscience?
Christian Moms Feel More Pressure to Get It Right
Today’s resources aim to offer reassurance instead of adding to the weight parents already feel.
Be Afraid Episode 3|1 hr 6min
What an Excellent Day for an Exorcism
Touring the house that Friedkin built.
Argentina legalizó el aborto en 2020. ¿Influirá esto en el voto presidencial de los evangélicos?
El candidato emergente Javier Milei dice ser provida. Pero para algunos cristianos, sus posturas económicas pueden ser más atractivas que sus posturas morales.
Argentina Legalized Abortion in 2020. Will This Impact Evangelicals’ Presidential Vote?
(UPDATED) Upstart candidate Javier Milei says he's pro-life. But for some Christians, his economic positions may be a bigger draw than his moral ones.
No único hospital cristão de Gaza, centenas foram mortos em ataque aéreo
O ataque fatal atingiu um local bastante conhecido, administrado por anglicanos — e anteriormente por batistas do Sul — “no meio de um dos lugares mais problemáticos do mundo”.
The Eternal King Arrives
Print copies still available!
The Bulletin Episode 47|48min
Left to Their Own Devices
The House still needs a speaker, parents watch their kids’ phones, and religion makes us healthy.
Let the Children Play: Their Lives Depend on It
How the next generation's mental health crisis might recall the timeless values of wandering and wayfinding.
Perdemos três homens para o suicídio em dois anos
Como pastor, aprendi que a igreja pode desempenhar um papel vital de ajuda a membros com problemas de saúde mental.

Top Story July 27, 2024

Kamala Harris Against History
Kamala Harris Against History
The candidate's "unburdened by what has been" and "coconut tree" lines push her party toward a troubling partisan divide over the past itself.

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