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Music & MeaningEpisode 12|50min
Invention and Reinvention with Steve Taylor
Recording artist Steve Taylor sits down with Charlie to reflect on years of art, faith, and God’s presence.
Notre rôle de pasteurs n’est pas de changer les cœurs
On ne peut pas contrôler ses paroissiens. Tenter de le faire ne causera que des dégâts.
Les excuses ne suffisent pas. L’Écriture appelle à faire demi-tour
Nous avons besoin de prendre en compte toute la richesse du vocabulaire biblique pour faire face à notre péché.
Jésus renverserait-il la table de votre conseil ?
J’ai siégé au sein d’un conseil d’administration défaillant. Les chrétiens exerçant des responsabilités pourraient tirer des leçons de mes manquements.
La Bible a une histoire complexe, mais celle-ci peut renforcer notre foi.
Dans les faits, les détails historiques sont encore plus confus que ne le décrit un récent ouvrage.
Let the Neurodivergent Children Come to Me
Gentle parenting is one tool to train up children who have disabilities with love and wisdom.
If Panama Closes the Darién Gap, Would Evangelicals Care?
(UPDATED) Migrant rights have been off-radar for many Panamanian Christians. But as pressures increase, some are speaking out ahead of this weekend’s general elections.
Goodbye Postmodernism, Hello Metamodernism
Our apologetics must evolve to engage with the new cultural mood of the next generations.
Christian Radio Sues Over Disparity in Streaming Costs
Discrimination case claims that noncommercial religious broadcasters are paying far more than fellow stations to cover royalties for music played online.
Trash Problem Pushes Pastor to Action
A Honduran church leads the way in local garbage collection while praying for an international plastics treaty.
Being HumanEpisode 16|33min
Playfulness, Earnestness, and Worship
Opening ourselves up to the possibility of God’s presence.
Sains tentang Mengucap Syukur kepada Tuhan
Semakin banyak penelitian yang mendukung manfaat dari kebersyukuran yang ilahi, baik di saat senang maupun susah.
La alfabetización bíblica en una era posterior a la alfabetización
Siempre debemos ser personas de la Palabra, pero necesitamos una nueva comprensión de lo que significa tener una relación viva con las Escrituras.
Hillsong Abuse Settlement Rejected Over NDA
Victim says she wants accountability more than money.
Chinese Christians Have Conflicted Feelings About ‘Saving Face’
Though a significant part of their culture, not all feel like it best honors how God wants conflict dealt with.
Conservative Methodists, Unite
After this week’s UMC votes on LGBTQ issues, African Methodists should join American conservatives in the new Global Methodist denomination.

Top Story July 22, 2024

‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
In a country known for loving Western praise music—Hillsong’s second-biggest market—a grassroots movement is singing new tunes.

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