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Being HumanEpisode 9|41min
The Brain and Faith with Geoff Holsclaw
Brain science, attachment theory, and who we are in Christ.
Como o Papa é católico, há cristãos dizendo que não devemos nos juntar a ele em oração
Na Europa, os evangélicos estão divididos quanto ao relacionamento correto com Roma.
Paid Content
Paid Content for Pulse
The One Thing We All Need on Good Friday
Share your story, join the movement.
Tandis que les corps refroidissent
Vendredi saint – Il n’y a pas de résurrection sans mort.
Un repas que nous n’oublierons pas de sitôt
Jeudi saint – L’espérance et l’inquiétude inhérentes à la dernière Pâque de Jésus
Un fatal fantasme
Mercredi saint – La trahison de Judas révèle une espérance mal orientée.
Les sectes ne sont pas qu’affaire de doctrine.
Un ex-membre explique comment les chrétiens peuvent soutenir le long cheminement de ceux qui quittent un groupe à forte emprise.
Як ми навчилися ненавидіти геноцид
Цезар хвалився тисячами смертей серед цивільного населення. Християни оплакують смерть навіть однієї людини.
Как мы научились ненавидеть геноцид
Цезарь хвастался тысячами смертей среди гражданского населения. Христиане оплакивают смерть даже одного человека.
White Evangelicals Want Christian Influence, Not a ‘Christian Nation’
A new study finds white evangelicals are most eager to see their faith reflected more in the government, but very few say they support Christian nationalism.
Une vaine louange ?
Mardi saint – La grâce de donner lorsque la générosité semble absurde
Paid Content
Paid Content for Prison Fellowship
Second Chances Denied
The invisible bars that keep returning citizens from restoration.
Un pouvoir rendu possible par le sacrifice
Dimanche des Rameaux - L’âne, le lion et l’agneau.
The Witness of Women Is Written on the Walls
I needed female heroes, and I found them in ancient churches.
The Body of Christ Cannot Be Mummified
An oft-forgotten mummy in Scripture teaches us how idolatry deadens, but Jesus awakens.
The Bulletin Episode 73|41min
Would I Lie to You?
Haiti is in crisis, a Maryland lynching apology falls flat, and Ozempic offers new hope for health.
Paid Content
Paid Content for TENx10
Is the Most Digitally Connected Generation Disconnecting from Their Faith?
One million young people are leaving Christianity each year.
Estudiar las Escrituras conlleva riesgos. Todos ellos valen la pena
Como profesor de Biblia en una institución evangélica, siento la tensión de enseñar verdades que podrían ofender.
Single Christians Have Common Needs—the Same Needs All Christians Have
Anna Broadway’s survey of global singleness challenges a marriage status hierarchy within the church.
American Bible Society Will Close Its $60 Million Museum
The Bible museum on Independence Mall in Philadelphia was open less than three years and had attracted fewer visitors than projected.

Top Story July 24, 2024

28 Christian Athletes to Cheer On at the Paris 2024 Olympics
28 Christian Athletes to Cheer On at the Paris 2024 Olympics
Meet Olympians who love God from around the world.

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