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왕의 겸손한 성품
위대한 지도자의 대담한 선포.
영원한 왕이 오시다
대림절 기간 동안 위대하고 겸손한 구세주와의 순례
무료 다운로드: 2023 대림절 묵상
대림절 4주 동안 이 묵상을 통해 예언되었던 예수님의 탄생, 하나님의 구원하심에 관한 계획, 표적과 놀라운 방식으로 영원한 왕이 인간의 모습으로 이 땅에 오신 이야기를 살펴봅니다.
2023 강림절 오늘의 묵상
크리스마스를 준비하며 모든 묵상을 한 곳에서.
Téléchargement gratuit : Méditations de l’Avent 2023
Des éditeurs et contributeurs de Christianity Today, Le Roi éternel arrive propose 4 semaines de méditations pour l'Avent. Individuellement, en famille ou en groupe.
Online Content Runs from Good to Bad. The Bigger Danger Is Online Habits.
Despite our best intentions, the default practices of digital life can deform our souls.
Nikki Haley Courts Iowa Evangelicals Amid Poll Surge
Though Trump remains the frontrunner, poll-watchers say the South Carolina Methodist is having her moment.
Should We Sing About Drowning Our Enemies?
Elevation’s recent hit has stirred a broader discussion on how to incorporate imprecatory language in worship without being triumphalist.
Napoleon Uncomplex
Ridley Scott’s “Napoleon” is well-cast, well-made, and without a thought-provoking theory of its subject’s world-changing appeal.
Una cita imprevista
El significado presente de la paciente certeza de Simeón.
Un amor implacable
Cuando el miedo nos invade, Dios persigue nuestro corazón.
My Unlikely, Cross-Cultural Friendsgiving
A tea date with a Middle Eastern stranger led to friendship with women from nearly 20 countries—and changed my perspective on the world.
عائلة القسيس المحتجزة في غزة تبكي أقاربها الذين قُتلوا في الكنيسة
يسعي الراعي السابق للكنيسة المعمدانية في غزة - والعالق في مصر منذ بداية الحرب - الى اخلاء زوجته وأطفاله من غزة بينما يقبعون في كنيسة القديس بورفيريوس الأرثوذكسية ويصارعون من اجل البقاء.
COVID and the Church Episode 10|47min
Chapter 9: Beauty from Ashes
Stories from the pandemic remind us that hope abounds even in the most difficult circumstances.

Top Story July 27, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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