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11 місіонерів YWAM загинули, 8 були травмовані в ДТП в Танзанії
Дарлін Каннінгем: «Ми не бачили трагедії такого масштабу за всю [нашу] історію… смерть [лідерів] створює в організації величезний вакуум».
11 миссионеров YWAM погибли, 8 были травмированы в ДТП в Танзании
Дарлин Каннингем: «Мы не видели трагедии такого масштаба за всю [нашу] историю… смерть [лидеров] создает в организации огромный вакуум».
Why John MacArthur Is Wrong About MLK
The prominent pastor’s claim that Martin Luther King Jr. was “not a Christian” is not only ahistorical. It misses God’s heart for justice.
Fear, Grief, then Supernatural Peace: Myanmar Christians Process Draft
While many young people feel helpless over the news of the conscription law, believers see an opening for ministry.
The Bulletin Episode 72|47min
No Lifeguard on Duty
Trouble at the southern border, Super Tuesday’s final bell, and Alabama rules on IVF.
Grupo de evangélicos brasileiros traz sua cartilha política para Portugal
Imigrantes da América do Sul são uma força crescente nas igrejas do outro lado do Atlântico. Mas a iniciativa de parte deles na próxima eleição é vista com reservas.
Attaque de Clapham : l’aide des églises britanniques aux migrants musulmans sur la sellette
Selon un pasteur évangélique, les témoignages de responsables religieux n’ont jamais été censés être le facteur décisif dans l’évaluation des demandes d’asile.
Sentir-se politicamente sem-teto já é um bom começo
Em tempos de partidários fervorosos, devemos continuar peregrinos.
Fasting for God’s Kingdom
How the Muslim month of Ramadan transformed my understanding of fasting, prayer, and Lent.
Remembering Canadian Politician Brian Mulroney, Who Opened Doors for Evangelicals
The late prime minister welcomed our engagement at a crucial time—and changed my mind about public witness.
Os cristãos não podem ‘solucionar’ o conflito entre Israel e Hamas
Jesus poderia acabar com essa crise. Mas seus seguidores certamente não têm o mesmo poder.
Viral JesusEpisode 113|39min
Jenn Schultz: She’s Not Your Enemy
How to turn feelings of comparison and insecurity into a spirit of kinship and encouragement.
As ideias malignas por trás dos ataques de 7 de outubro
A ação do Hamas contra Israel têm uma história ideológica grotesca e merece um julgamento moral firme e determinado.
Confusion, changements de cap, licenciements : que se passe-t-il à l’American Bible Society ?
L’organisation historique et généreusement dotée a connu deux années de turbulences : cinq directeurs généraux, des problèmes d’argent et un ralentissement de son action internationale. Elle est à la recherche d’un nouveau départ.
SBC Executive Committee Says No Charges Following Federal Investigation
Without offering details on the nature of the Justice Department inquiry, the denomination’s administrative entity says it’s “grateful” that “no further action” will be taken around its response to abuse.
Liberty University Fined $14M Over Campus Safety
Focused on the evangelical school’s handling of sexual violence, the federal penalty is by far the largest in the Department of Education’s history.

Top Story July 8, 2024

Modern Secularism Makes No Sense Without Christianity
Modern Secularism Makes No Sense Without Christianity
A new book argues that early Protestant thinking helped fuel an anti-supernatural worldview. But that worldview retains more Protestantism than it cares to admit.

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