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How are Minority Religions Viewed in Indonesia?
Question 4 of 6 in Christianity Today’s roundtable on religious harmony in Indonesia.
How Can Christian Indonesians Seek the Country’s Flourishing?
Question 6 of 6 in Christianity Today’s roundtable on religious harmony in Indonesia.
Don’t Miss These African Christmas Hits
Jam out this season to highlife, Afrobeats, jazz, a cappella, R & B, rap, dance, and hip-hop artists from Nigeria, South Africa, and more.
Parsing Pancasila: How Indonesia’s Muslims and Christians Seek Unity
Three Muslim and three Christian leaders candidly discuss sharia, extremism, and national identity in the world's most populous Muslim country.
What Role Should Sharia Law Play in Indonesia?
Question 1 of 6 in Christianity Today’s roundtable on religious harmony in Indonesia.
How Has Radical Islam Impacted Indonesia?
Question 2 of 6 in Christianity Today’s roundtable on religious harmony in Indonesia.
Can You Truly Be Indonesian Without Being Muslim?
Question 3 of 6 in Christianity Today’s roundtable on religious harmony in Indonesia.
How Can Christian and Muslim Indonesians Work Together?
Question 5 of 6 in Christianity Today’s roundtable on religious harmony in Indonesia.
How 1 in 4 Countries Restrict Religious Conversion
New report by international religious freedom advocates compiles the text of 73 laws in 46 nations.
‘The Poor Will Always Be Among You’ Is a Call to Obedience
This verse can be misconstrued as a justification for systemic poverty. But what does it really mean?
Comfort, Comfort My People
Israel under attack needs Christian empathy, not judgment or presumptuous theological speculation.
المسيحيون اللبنانيون الذن نزحوا عن الحدود الاسرائيلية يتصارعون مع من المُلام
بينما تهدد الاشتباكات المحدودة مع حزب الله بتوسيع حرب إسرائيل ضد حماس، يتعامل المشيخيون والمعمدانيون المحليون مع معركة ليست من صنعهم.
Russell Moore’s Favorite Books of 2023
From rabbits and Inklings to Kardashians and King, here are the year’s best reads according to CT’s editor in chief.
Be Afraid Episode 9|1 hr 16min
We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes
The sounds of slashers and the internal voices that terrorize us.
The Bulletin Episode 58|48min
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Our Stories
Universities defend hate speech. Famous people are human too. And multiethnic churches are growing.
Kunjungan ke Sinagoga yang Mengubah Segalanya
Betapa kedatangan Yesus meringankan penantian kita yang penuh kecemasan.
La gente dice que toda la música de alabanza suena igual. Puede que se refieran a otra cosa
Las quejas sobre el género emergente quizás tienen que ver con el descontento hacia la cultura que lo rodea.

Top Story July 26, 2024

Penalty or No, Athletes Talk Faith
Penalty or No, Athletes Talk Faith
The public square is increasingly hostile to religion. But don’t be surprised when Olympic athletes overflow with thanks to God.

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