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When Pastors Are Sexual Abuse Survivors
Childhood trauma can sabotage ministry in sinister ways.
Confronting the Toxic Power in Me
High-profile stories of fallen pastors can distract us from ourselves or hold up a mirror to our souls.
The Day I Fervently Asked Jesus to Come Back
How a friend’s tragic death gave me a new perspective on hope.
God’s Peace Is Not Always God’s
How to know when our feelings are truly from the Spirit.
An Intentional Intimacy
Billy Graham kept the focus on God at all times. How did he do it?
9 No-Fault Reasons Some Local Churches Close Their Doors
Is it an admission of defeat or disobedience to acknowledge that congregations have a finite life-span?
Comparison Is Stealing Your Joy
Five practical tips to fight back
Sorry Christians, We Can’t Blame the Media Any More
More than ever before, we have an obligation to act in a Christ-like manner. Not just in church, but everywhere.
God’s Ministry of Disappointment
In pain and confusion, I’m finding that God is, indeed, close to the brokenhearted.
For Every Minister Who Struggles With Your Prayer Life
Real prayer is about relationship. And relationships are hard. Even (especially?) with God.
Spiritual Longing on the Silver Screen
How the makers (and watchers) of movies are engaged in a kind of prayer.
The Pastoral Skill We Must Reclaim
Author Paul Pastor talks Christian formation in the Information Age.
Uniting a Violence-Plagued City in Prayer
Neither death threats nor tepid response discouraged two pastors from praying over every murder site in their city for years.
Are You Missing What God Is Doing While Holding Out For Something Bigger?
When we get to heaven will God ask some of us "Why did you look down on the ministry I gave you?"
Self-Control for the Sake of Ministry
What does it mean to say “no” to ourselves on behalf of those we serve and influence?
A Pastor's Dilemma: What to Do When You Can't See the Vision for Your Church
Is it okay if a pastor’s calling is to help others fulfill their calling? Or, does every church need a pastor-led vision to get behind?
Please Stop Saying ‘It’s Just the Way I Am’ to Excuse Mediocrity In Ministry
If anything hinders our ability to do what God has called us to do, we don’t have the option to let it slide.
We Were Seduced by Power
Five pastors confess their temptations to manipulate, control, and cling to worldly significance.
Did 2016 Expose America's (And the Church's) Fame Addiction?
The church should be providing a counter-cultural balance to our fame obsession. Instead, we're feeding into it.
I'm Offended! By Easily-Offended Christians
If Christmas comes and goes without a red cup scandal, did it really happen?

Top Story June 29, 2024

A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
In a rapidly urbanizing China, some houses of worship are taking inspiration from the Bible while rethinking local architectural tradition.

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