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Grandma Went to Woodstock: 5 Principles for Pastoring a Vibrant Older Congregation
The generation that grew up on Led Zeppelin will affect our churches differently than those who listened to Lawrence Welk.
How Your Church Can Benefit from ‘The Roseto Effect’
What a tiny town in Pennsylvania tells us about life-giving community.
Ministering to Millennials by Leveraging the Relational Power of Healthy Churches
We need to lean away from the church-as-business model and into the church-as-relational-community model. Love God and love others.
Why Millennials Won't Build the Kinds of Churches their Parents Built
We can't treat Millennials as a homogeneous group. We have to minister to them as individuals, instead.
Research Says: Young People Don't Want Hip Pastors
A study of 250 congregations suggests that youth and young adults want substance rather than style.
Why I’m Not a World-Changer
In my middle-age years, I’ve traded revolution for good old-fashioned faithfulness.
Confessions of a Sixth-Grade Youth Group Rock God
What I gleaned from my brief flirtation with praise-and-worship stardom.
Preventing Teenage ‘Faith Drift’
Our research underscores the crucial role of intergenerational relationships.
How Your Church Can Grow Young
What it takes to engage young people may surprise you.
Why Church Leaders Will Never Understand Millennials
We need to stop seeing people as demographic groups and get to know them as individuals.
Your Kids Don’t Need a Megachurch
What children learn about community without the bells and whistles
Q+A: The Secret Lives of Teens Online
The conversation about the pornification of social media is long overdue.
Andy Stanley Explains His ‘Stinking Selfish’ Parents Comment
‘As much as I wish folks would listen to the entire message, it really doesn’t diminish the absurdity of what I said.’
Died: Don McClanen, Founder of Fellowship of Christian Athletes
(UPDATED) Vision of Oklahoma basketball coach 60 years ago now reaches 2 million annually.
British Evangelicals Worried about Sunday School, Youth Group Raids
Plans to regulate extremist Muslim madrassas would also affect youth ministry, warns EAUK.
Here's How 770 Pastors Describe Their Struggle with Porn
More than half have wrestled with it, but less than 1 percent recommend telling their congregation.
Teen Mania: Why We're Shutting Down After 30 Years of Acquire the Fire
CT exclusive: Ron Luce explains why the global youth ministry is calling it quits.
Faces of the Pastorate: Misael Guzman
These five pastors' stories point toward a bigger story.
Compassion International Sues Teen Mania over Acquire the Fire
Arrest warrant issued for Ron Luce, reports World magazine.
For First Time, Youths Acquire the Fire in Myanmar
More than 13,000 Burmese attend Teen Mania rally in one of the ‘worst places for Christians.’

Top Story June 25, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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