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Our November Issue: Church of Work
Yes, work matters. But our quest for belonging in the office is often misguided.
Meet the Minnie Church
What happens when you plant a church only for Walt Disney World employees?
Lifting our Eyes
Amid challenges, it's tempting to keep our heads down.
5 Books That Help Cultivate a Biblical View of Time
Chosen by Michael LeFebvre, author of ‘The Liturgy of Creation: Understanding Calendars in Old Testament Context’.
Put Not Your Trust in Credentials
Chris Arnade’s moving account of “back-row America” made me reconsider my own definition of success.
Should Environmental Concerns Be a Major Priority for a Christian Business Owner?
Experts weigh in from the Lausanne Movement’s Global Workplace Forum.
‘Tis a Gift to Do ‘Undignified’ Work
Blue-collar labor often goes unappreciated and under-rewarded. How can that change?
Your Peak Life Now: How to Face Career Decline with Grace and Faith
The best way to prepare for our inevitable demise is a healthy focus on death, discipleship, and worship.
The Turbulent Calling of Bivocational Ministry
Three honest stories about its rewards and challenges.
O Evangelismo Deveria Ser a Prioridade do Cristão em Seu Local de Trabalho?
Especialistas discutem o tema no Fórum Mundial do Trabalho do Movimento Lausanne.
¿Debería la Evangelización Ser la Prioridad del Cristiano en el Ámbito Laboral?
Los expertos aconsejan sobre el Foro Mundial del Trabajo del Movimiento Lausana.
Should Evangelism Be the Highest Priority of Christians at Work?
Experts weigh in at the Lausanne Movement’s Global Workplace Forum.
Praying for Patients Is Common, But Comes With Legal Risk
Most healthcare workers want to offer spiritual care if the sick are open to it—but doing so cost a Pentecostal nurse in the UK her job.
An Apology to the Christian 99%, from the 1%
You don’t exist to help professional ministry leaders fulfill the Great Commission. We exist to help you do it.
Una Disculpa al 99% de los Cristianos de Parte del 1%
Ustedes no existen para ayudar a los líderes de ministerios profesionales a cumplir la Gran Comisión. Nosotros existimos para ayudarlos a ustedes a hacerlo.
Um Pedido de Perdão do 1% de Cristãos aos Outros 99%
Você não existe para ajudar líderes profissionais de ministérios a cumprirem a grande comissão. Nós existimos para ajudar você a cumpri-la.
Sabbath Rest: Not Just for Grownups
I want my children to know how to work hard. I also want them to know that hard work doesn’t define them.
Fitness Trackers, Dating Apps, and Other Ladders to Nowhere
Why secular substitutes for religion will always leave us exhausted and unhappy.
The Most Effective Response to Poverty? Worshipping the True God
Even more than better systems and better policies, we need better theology.
Why I Always Pray at the End of the Day
We didn't accomplish everything we should have. God reminds us we didn't need to.

Top Story June 22, 2024

What If the Christian Sexual Ethic Becomes a Feature, Not a Bug?
What If the Christian Sexual Ethic Becomes a Feature, Not a Bug?
Evangelicals tend to assume our sexual ethic is deeply unpopular. But the wind may be shifting as thought leaders increasingly declare Christianity a cultural asset.

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