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How a French Atheist Becomes a Theologian
Inside my own revolution.
‘Jane the Virgin’ Pokes Serious Holes Through Our Reasons to Wait
What a goofy CW comedy gets right about abstinence.
Not All Vulnerability Is Brave
We don’t have to expose our deepest secrets with every speech and blog post.
Hope for Women in Hell
Rescued from the sex trade, Anny Donewald now seeks to rescue others.
Gordon College Studies Same-Sex Behavior Ban Amid Accreditation Questions
School says "period of discernment" focused on pastoral response, not changing conduct policy.
When Missions Opportunities Aren’t Pretty
The topics that make us uncomfortable can spur the church to action.
A Voice for the Sinned-Against, Part 2
Ministry to survivors of sexual abuse
A Voice for the Sinned-Against, Part 1
Ministry to survivors of sexual abuse
How Natural Family Planning Shaped My View of Sex
A more intensive method of birth control reminded me that it’s God who’s in control.
The Staying Power of Emotional Abuse
Yes, I had my virginity, but I lost my connection to my humanity.
So Much More to Sex than 'Fifty Shades'
Society overlooks true intimacy when we idolize the pleasure of steamy sex.
What We Talk About When We Talk About 'Birth Control'
Meaningful debate requires us to define the terms of discussion.
Gordon College Loses City Contract, Gets Accreditation Scrutiny
President Michael Lindsay among 26 CCCU presidents urging an exemption clause in pending executive order.
Good Sex Comes to Those Who Wait?
Hook-up sex v. married sex: A warning about incentivizing abstinence with personal pleasure.
Amy Sherman: Secular Jobs Don't Make Second-Class Christians
The way we talk about the workplace can determine the way we disciple our congregation.
Why ‘God and the Gay Christian’ Is Wrong About the Bible and Same-Sex Relationships
Matthew Vines rehashes older arguments for a modern audience. But those arguments still don’t square with Scripture.
From Youth Minister to Felon
An article we never should have published.
When We Close Our Wombs
Christian women face difficult decisions over sterilization.
An Open Letter to Male Virgins
Despite what society says, our identity does not rely on our sexual status.
Daddy Dearest: How Purity Culture Can Turn Fathers into Idols
Our pledges belong to the Heavenly Father, not our earthly ones.

Top Story July 5, 2024

Theocracy Is Not the Enemy of Pluralism
Theocracy Is Not the Enemy of Pluralism
God’s rule is inherently true and doesn’t require that we force it on anyone.

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