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Quick To ListenEpisode 102|45min
When You Hear Sexual Misconduct Allegations About Your Pastor
What the church doesn't know about ministry leaders and temptation.
5 Ways Your Church Could End Up In Court
These true stories reveal the need for awareness and prevention.
Why I’m Happy My Son Married at 20
In a world of hookups and cohabitation, he took a leap—and made an act—of faith.
The Hard Truth About Mr. Right
An excerpt from “Party of One: Truth, Longing, and the Subtle Art of Singleness.”
Getting from ‘Hello’ to ‘I Do’ on a Christian College Campus
Evangelical students are dating with marriage in mind, but the road to the altar is anything but simple.
Should Churches Handle Sexual Abuse Allegations Internally?
The Andy Savage case should lead us to question the way many churches are handling the issue.
The Religious Conflict at the Heart of Our Culture Wars
How theological differences over sex have fueled some of the bitterest political fights of the past century and more.
Biggest Mennonite Conference Leaves Denomination
In another same-sex marriage split, Mennonite Church USA loses a sixth of its members.
Counseling Others When You Have Your Own "Me Too" Story
How to walk alongside sexual assault victims when you’ve been a victim yourself
The Unsettling Truth Behind the #MeToo Movement
Creating a safer world for women means talking about our vulnerability.
Sexual Addiction Destroyed My Pastorate
Exposing the truth was just the first step to redemption.
Complementarians Issue New Manifesto on Gender Identity
CBMW’s Nashville Statement addresses shifting notions of sex and sexuality.
What We Mean When We Say 'Orthodox Christianity'
James K.A. Smith wants to focus on the creeds, not sexuality. But there's more to it than that.
'Atomic Blonde' Delivers Female Action Without An Action Hero
After seeing the new spy thriller, I still don't know what a female action hero looks like.
In Sex Disputes, Most Americans Still Favor Religious Rights
But 1 in 5 think conservative Christians are motivated by hate.
Finding My ‘True Self’ as a Same-Sex Attracted Woman
In my young-adult struggle with sexual identity, both legalistic condemnation and progressive license left me floundering.
Why Are Evangelical Women at Planned Parenthood?
What a recent Marie Claire report gets wrong—and right—about evangelicals and abortion.
Moral Outrage in America Is Now for Everybody
Gallup finds record-high liberalism on 10 of 19 issues. Yet moderates and liberals are growing more concerned.
How to Love Your Ideological Enemy
If hospitality is a model for discipleship, then we need both open doors and clear boundaries.
Making Married Sex Mutual
Pervasive ideologies distort our view of female sexuality. God’s Word shows us a better way.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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