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… And Orthodox Division
Greek Orthodox prepare for contentious assembly in New York.
Salvation Army May 'March Out' of NYC
Plus: Chinese Christian leader arrested, California lawmakers revolt against pastor's comment on mothers, and other stories from online sources around the world.
The Naked City
The story of the 1977 blackout in New York—the occasion of widespread looting and destruction—has some surprisingly timely lessons for America in 2004.
Heidi Neumark Transfigures the Bronx for some Breathing Space
After spending 20 years as pastor of a church in the Bronx, Heidi Neumark realized that sometimes people just need some room to breathe.
Magnificence in Wreckage
This series of essays finds hope among New York City lives.
Menorah, Crescent and Star Secular, Says Judge
Plus: Was Christian network stiffed in station bid? The James Ossuary is back in the news, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Manhattan Ministry a Year Later
"As of September 2002, weddings, counseling, and courage in demand"
September 11: Church Binds 9/11 Wounds with Quick Cash
A New York mission offers aid to those who need it without all the red tape
Day of Terror, Day of Grace
In the wake of fatal attacks killing thousands, Christians steer America toward prayer, service, and reconciliation.
Volunteers Bring Glad Tidings to Ground Zero
Church located 2.5 miles from World Trade Center feels God has used [us] because of where we are.
"Where I Minister, Grace Abounds Over Sin"
"At Ground Zero, a New York pastor strives to be a symbol that God is present and available."
In the Belly of the Beast
"Christians, calling terrorist attack satanically brilliant, minister at epicenter of World Trade disaster"
Christians Provide Comfort in the Shadow of Calamity
"Still stunned and reeling, New Yorkers seek support at prayer service"
Communication Troubles Challenge U.S. Church Relief Agencies
"Aid work continues amid atmosphere of shock, fear, and sporatic harrassment."
'Is That Thunder?'
"With metal cracking at the World Trade Center, New York pastors cry out to God."
Churches Meet Needs at Ground Zero
"Brooklyn pastors and parishioners thank God for survival, but help victims and families cope."
Orthodox Church Near Ground Zero Hopes to Rise Again
"Members hope to rebuild 169-year-old structure, which stood only 500 feet from the World Trade Center"
Fire Department Chaplain Dies in the Line of Duty
Father Mike is remembered for compassion and always being first on the scene.
Manhattan’s Model Ministry

Top Story June 26, 2024

Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
For all their faults, our marriage rituals present family and promise-keeping as beautiful, desirable, and worth the effort.

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