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Preventing Suicide
Fast facts about risk factors, warning signs, and tips for saving lives.
In the Valley of the Shadow of Suicide
A mother catches glimmers of hope after losing a son.
Connecting to Hope
How local churches can handle — and prevent — depression.
The Depression Epidemic
Why we're more down than ever—and the crucial role churches play in healing.
My Life with Antidepressants
They helped, at least in the beginning.
Light When All Is Dark
Our theology makes all the difference in fighting depression.
A Christian Cure for OCD?
Psychiatrist Ian Osborn claims that trust in God can overcome mental illness.
Soul Tremors
With approval from China's government, Robert Yeung brings faith-based counseling to those shaken by the May earthquake.
Ricardo the Fierce
A not-so-clinical book for those touched by special-needs kids.
War on the Weak
Eugenics has made a lethal comeback.
Darkness Is My Only Companion
Psychotherapy that uses Scripture without ignoring science.
Post-Traumatic Faith
Understanding the plight of Christians who have killed in combat.
Brutality Therapy
Love and art are keys to healing.
Fear Not the Disabled
We all benefit when people with disabilities are valued in our churches.
Therapeutically Incorrect
Atheist psychiatrist argues that gays can change.
Biblical discernment in an age of therapies.
Christ and Psychiatry

Top Story June 22, 2024

What If the Christian Sexual Ethic Becomes a Feature, Not a Bug?
What If the Christian Sexual Ethic Becomes a Feature, Not a Bug?
Evangelicals tend to assume our sexual ethic is deeply unpopular. But the wind may be shifting as thought leaders increasingly declare Christianity a cultural asset.

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