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'The United States of America Is Building a Culture of Life'
Plus: Converting to 'evangelism,' bioethics council on reproductive technologies, Pope says feeding tubes a moral obligation, and other stories
A Law that Shouldn't be Cloned
New Jersy legalizes human cloning for research.
Let No Law Put Asunder
A constitutional amendment defending marriage is worth the effort.
Turkmenistan Tightens Religion Law
Violators of new law to be punished by fines or corrective labor.
Bush Endorses Federal Marriage Amendment
Plus: Are gays going back into the closet? And many other articles on gay marriage and related topics.
One Nation Under God—Sort of
We've got bigger problems than the Pledge of Allegiance.
Afghan Constitution Provides Little Protection for Religion
Nod to freedom of practice is too limited, critics say.
Will Iraq Turn to Shari'ah?
Plus: More on Kelley, The Passion, Da Vinci Code, Billy Graham plans revival in Missouri, and articles from online source around the world.
Massachusetts court backs gay marriage
The twelfth of never
Bush administration drastically lowers goals for faith-based initiative.
Squeezed Out
Zoning battles make churches feel unwelcome--and what to do about it.
Up to Code
Make sure you handle sensitive information properly.
Screening Children's Workers
Answering the Church's Objections
Recognizing Abused Children
A Preventable Tragedy
Evangelicals must not pretend to be immune to sexual sin by clergy or volunteers.
Aquinas for President?
His views on government, law, and economics would shake the system.
Confronted with the Shameful

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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