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The CallingEpisode 19|56min
In Her Fight Against Slavery, Bianca Juarez Olthoff Isn’t Afraid to Play with Fire
How the anti-human-trafficking advocate learned to break rules so she could break chains.
Will Success Spoil Cuba’s Revival?
With relaxed travel rules, Cuban leaders wonder whether Americans will dampen their churches’ zeal.
The Latino Protestants In Our Backyards
The church has the chance to learn from our immigrant neighbors.
On These Tamales, I Will Build My Church
Celebrating the gifts Christian women bring to the table.
Tending the 'Stolen' Sheep in Latin America's Booming Bible Belt
Catholics may be fast converting to Protestantism, but beliefs and maturity vary.
Border Crisis = Church Opportunity
The international difference a local congregation can make.
Here's What Protestants in 18 Latin American Countries Believe and Practice
New Pew research identifies who evangelizes most and who believes the prosperity gospel, among many other topics.
Sorry, Pope Francis: Protestants Are Converting Catholics Across Latin America
'Francis effect' may yet materialize. But for now, Catholics have hit record low across 19 nations and territories.
¡Vivan Los Evangelicos! (a CT classic)
Hispanics are not only spicing up U.S. culture, they are fueling the greatest growth in the North American church.
Not All Hispanics Eat Tacos
The 20 different Latin American nationalities represented in el Norte have significant differences in food, slang, values, and immigration history.
Argentine Evangelicals Say Bergoglio as Pope Francis Is 'Answer to Our Prayers'
First Latin American pope offers opportunity to 'rethink differences' and 'join hands in mission.'
Why Pope Francis Excites (Most) Evangelical Leaders
Bergoglio expected to focus on poverty and set a friendlier tone in Protestant-Catholic relations.
Luis Palau: Why It Matters that Pope Francis Drinks Mate with Evangelicals
An interview with international evangelist (and native Argentine) on his friend, Jorge Bergoglio.
New Efforts by Barna Group, NAE, Others Aim to Reach—and Understand—Hispanics
Evangelical leaders capitalize on post-election interest in U.S. Latinos.
Meanwhile, Love the Sojourner
How Phoenix Christians are helping illegal immigrants as they wait for the economy—and the law—to change.
Will Immigration Slowdown Prompt a Bilingual Ministry Bust?
Churches retool Hispanic outreach after recession impact.
A Spanish Service Is Not Enough: It's Time to Feed the 'Hellenized Latinos'
Spanish-speaking ministry models are designed to preserve the preferences of the foreign born.
Say No to Negative Talk about Hispanic Americans
Christian discussion about topics like Rick Perry's tuition stance must include both compassion and justice.
Pastors: Alabama Immigration Law Will Crimp Outreach
Churches in states with tighter laws on immigration may see unintended consequences.
A Different Kind of Tent Revival
How one pastor is tackling Haiti's complex challenges.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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